In order to realize the full potential of farmers’ and community empowerment, CAPCA promotes capacity improvement in advocacy and governance. Farmers’ capacity is enhanced in Rights Based Approach as well as advocacy for development oriented policies and processes. Advocacy is used to influence policy, programming and practice on key prioritized issues under agricultural production, inputs, entrepreneurship (IGAs), environment and natural resource management, sanitation and hygiene, market access and value addition.
At national level CAPCA works with like-minded advocacy networks to pursue and entities where it is a member, including Uganda Farmers’ Common Voice Platform, Participatory Ecological Land use Management (PELUM Uganda), Food Rights Alliance (FRA) and Environment and Natural Resource Network (ENR-CSO) etc. CAPCA also pursues policy advocacy issues at continental level through networks like African Forum on Food Sovereignty (AFSA) and African Biosafety Network (ABN).
CAPCA also maintains a good relationship with Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives (MTIC) and others. CAPCA also works closely with local governments in its areas of operation.
At farmer level CAPCA strengthens farmer organisations through trainings, creating supportive linkages, increasing their access to duty bearers, providing necessary technical support and backstopping their advocacy strategies all aimed at creating for them space to influence, voice out their concerns and cause positive change within their communities, hence empowering communities for sustainable livelihood.